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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Spring Cleaning for Normal People

I've been meaning to post about joining Crystal over at Biblical Womanhood while she declutters and organizes her home. I figured what perfect timing! I am finally getting some energy back and I need to get everything in order before baby comes. I am a little late getting started, so far they have worked in the living room and the kitchen. Here are my top priorities in those two rooms: (not for the faint at heart, things are a MESS)

A computer desk that needs to be organized

A bookshelf that needs some TLC

Laundry that needs to be folded and put away

An entertainment center that needs to be cleared off

And dusted

A kitchen cabinet that needs to be cleared

And dishes that need to be washed

That isn't EVERYTHING that needs to be done but I figure if I can get those main things done it will inspire me to tackle everything else. Let's not forget the kids toys that need to be purged, the coupons that need to be filed, the boxes of clothes that I need to go through, the pre-baby shopping and stockpiling.. Whewwww.... that made me tired just typing it!!

1 comment:

  1. I so need to declutter too. I will have to check out her site.
