So... We got some shopping done!!! I wouldn't call it 'grocery shopping', more like meat and perishables shopping!
Here's what we got:
Leg quarters
boston butt steak
boneless skinless chicken breasts
beef roast
round steak
chicken tenderloins
tortillas *I couldn't pass up this sale at Super 1*
We should be good to go for a while as far as meat is concerned. Some people have asked how we managed to go so long without grocery shopping. I have been stockpiling since about February. So I have quite a bit in the pantry. Also, we don't mind the storebrand for most items. A few months ago, Super 1 was changing its name brand from Better Valu to Food Club. All of the Better Valu products were 50% off! We stocked up on a lot of canned goods and other things that have a long shelf life.
Now, for this weeks menu plan I am going to TRY and do breakfasts and dinner. When Adi starts school next month we will have to feed her before school. Now, before I get CPS called on me lol I don't mind feeding my child breakfast...... But, when I was working and we had to be out of the house by 7am she ate at daycare. The bus passes around 7:15 sooooooo I'll have to have her up dressed and fed by that time. She's like me, neither of us like to eat first thing in the morning. I am guessing I will have to wake her up around 6:15 to give her time to get going then feed her after getting her dressed. Some of you may be saying 'duh, that's how it works!' but this will all be new to us! We are by no means morning people! Right now, Adi and KK go to bed between 7 and 8 and don't wake up until around 8am. She will be getting up almost 2 hours earlier! I can't move her bedtime any earlier so I hope things work out! Anyways, sorry for the tangent. I am going to try and start waking her up by 7:30 this week and I will progressively move that time up. Breakfasts will be simple.... I know there is no way I can fix a Five-Star breakfast that early!! :)
Breakfast - Pigs in a blanket & fruit
Dinner - shrimp & butter sauce
Breakfast - cereal & fruit
Dinner - chicken quesadillas
Breakfast - oatmeal & fruit
Dinner - leftovers
Breakfast - cereal & fruit
Dinner - beef roast
Breakfast - grits & fruit
Dinner - hot dogs & chili
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