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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Today is Piggy and I's 4 year anniversary... I'm sad that he can't be here for it. I wonder if he even remembers?? Hahaha I doubt it!

It is also the first day of our new budget. So far I paid the rent, electric bill and admission into the zoo. (My daughther had a field trip so KK and I went meet her after his therapy.)

KK had speech therapy this morning at Women's and Children's. He did very well! He is getting much better at imitating words and he is attempting to imitate sounds. I was hoping he would show at least some improvement since getting his third set of tubes last week. We are working on getting him to go in the back by himself. When I am in the room with him he tends to cling to me. I'm sure he would be much more cooperative if I weren't there! After S/T we had a P/T evaluation. I noticed recently that sometimes he feet turns in when he walks. Sometimes it's the right foot, sometimes the left, and sometimes it's both. We went to the pediatrician a few weeks ago and he said that KK's feet seem to be formed normally so his concern is that it might be neurological. The physical therapist agreed to see him to work on his balance and just to keep an eye on his foot. She also measured his legs and it seems that his left leg is 1/2 cm longer than his right. We have an appointment with Dr. Dersam, a pediatric orthopedist, later on this month. We will be able to set better goals once he evaluates the condition.

Total spent this month: $600.59
Remaining to spend: $1399.41

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